Huichol Yarn Painting
1000 pieces
We actually took this on a trip to SF and did it during the 5 days we were there for ePod's birthday.
bear was exhausted when he finished it.

Jigsaw puzzle reproduction of "The Huichol Deities Teach Humans to Honor the Sacred Seeds," yarn inlaid into beeswax on wooden board by Gonzalo Hernandez Carrillo (Mexican, b. 1960). When the universe was created and the supreme beings set out to organize the world, the deities could transform themselves into humans, plants, animals, and insects. For example, Dove Woman could shape-shift into a dove, a human, or the Corn Mother; she and her many daughters, such as Blue Corn Girl, Amaranth Girl, Squash Girl, Bean Girl, and Gourd Girl, provided abundance. When the creators decided it was time for the shape-shifters to choose their final forms, they invented a human, Watákame. He would teach his species to survive by learning how to care for, honor, and plant the precious seeds. The rituals he began in those ancient times to pay tribute to Father Sun, the Rain Mothers, Brother Deer, the Corn Mother, and the life-giving forces continue to bring sustenance to the Huichol people. Renowned for their highly evolved aesthetic sense, the Huichol people of Mexicoâ?TMs Sierra Madre Occidental preserve their religious traditions and symbolism in a variety of art forms, such as this yarn painting by Gonzalo Hernandez Carrillo. The Huichol Center for Cultural Survival and Traditional Arts is dedicated to the transcription and safekeeping of Huichol myths, symbolism, and tribal wisdom. One thousand interlocking pieces. Box size: 10 x 13 x 17/8 in.; puzzle size: 20 x 25 in